Alford Image Library


Letter in a bottle found in Alford Ray says: "...a note left in a bottle in the backing to the fireplace of a lean-to I demolished 20 y...
The Alford Bull Showing the plaque to the memory of William McCombie in the background.
The Alford Bull Just like one of those portrait paintings that appear to watch you from whatever angle you view, so ...
Mason's marks at Alford Bull Monument One of two plaques giving information on the mason involved with this project. This first plaque sta...
Mason's Plaque at Alford Bull Monument The second plaque states "Mason George Cartney, Auchnagatt" (see also image 819)
Vale Hotel under snow Photograph taken 22 January 1984
Aberdeen Road, Alford under snow This was quite an accumulation. I have been told that the snow drifts reached the 30mph signs on the...
Aberdeen Road, Alford under snow Well that's a big job with just a shovel! View looking east. Photograph taken 22 January 1984.
Aberdeen Road, Alford under snow This was a bad winter throughout the UK. View looking east. Photograph taken 22 January 1984.
Aberdeen Road, Alford under snow Interesting to note the lack of buildings on the left hand side compared with the same view now. Vie...
Vale of Alford in Winter with a Setting Moon Photograph taken 9 February 2009 after a week of snow showers and snow accumulation. Temperature at ...
Alford Vale in Winter by Moonlight Photograph taken 9 February 2009 at 6.00am using available light. It had been a very bright moonlit ...

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