Prehistory and Early History
Oddly marked stone This stone had been reused within a byre and was discovered during its conversion and renovation. It...
Oddly marked stone The marks on this stone would seem to be quite purposefully made (parallel lines, crosses, Vs, etc) ...
Very peculiar carved stone Look carefully......can you see what appears to have been carved into this piece of diorite? Inciden...
Another oddly marked stone This stone is quite interesting because it bears both what would appear to be purposeful incisions i...
Incised Stone Another view of the stone that I have come to call "the ravenstone", and this is the surface with tw...
Strangely incised stone In the right light, this stone shows intersecting incised lines and an apparent pock-marking ("mini ...
Incised Stone Every surface of this stone has been apparently incised with grooved lines, many running in parallel...