The Alford Image Library
No: 686 Contributor: Alford Heritage Centre and Museum Year: 1950
MontgarrieFernbank (Millside), Elm Cottage, Donview, Greenfield (Woodside)
Picture added on 04 October 2008
I believe Fernbank to be the home where my father was born in 1932 (Andrew Neish). My father returned to the house a few years ago & was very kindly invited in by the then resident.
Added by Leigh Marsden on 23 August 2011
Would anyone know why a house in Upminster, Essex, where we live, would be called "Montgarrie"? No-one locally here has any idea.
Added by Margaret Kemp (wife of Sandy Kemp, previously of Ardlair, Montgarrie) on 18 October 2011
Very interested in this photo. My grandfather, Charles Shand with wife and two children lived in Donview ca 1907 when he was a tailor in Montgerrie. My aunt, Mary Shand, began school in Montgerrie before they emigrated to Australia in 1911. I would be interested to hear from anyone who has further information on these cottages. I took a photo of them in 2001
Added by Margaret Shand on 14 March 2012
Both halves of the house was Fernbank until I moved into the nearer end and re-named it, to save any problem with mail etc.