The Alford Image Library
No: 1069 Contributor: Jimmy McCombie Year: 1952
Montgarrie BairnsJimmy says: "A' fae Mon'gerrie. Back L to R: Charlie McWilliam, Brian Anderson, Sandy McWilliam (both the McWilliams are in Auatralia). Front is Frances Reid and her sister Catherine about about 1952".
Picture added on 22 April 2009
I lived upstairs at Craiy-y-Don the McWilliam boys lived downstairs. I visited them in Australia in 2005 both well.
Added by Chris Ross on 25 April 2009
This is my Dad and Uncle Charlie. Dad hasnt changed much haha. Havent heard that name Craiy-y-Don in years
This is my Dad and Uncle Charlie. Dad hasnt changed much haha. Havent heard that name Craiy-y-Don in years
Added by John McWilliam on 29 June 2009
Does anybody who visits this site have any pictures or photos of Craig-Y-Don that I could get copies of? I'm interested to see how the property looked before it was converted into two houses.
Added by Alistair Johnson on 28 January 2010