Alford Image Library


Kirkton of Tough View from south.
Boglouster, Tough Glenend right of centre. The layby is now on the extreme lhs. Blaudy Faulds lies out of sight in dip...
Sign to Tillyfour Farm, Tough William McCombie's farm where the Aberdeen Angus breed was developed.
Rowan Tree and Commemorative Plaque at Tough kirk Plaque and rowan tree planted over William McCombie's grave in 1983 by a delegation of Texas Aberdee...
All that remains of the glacial meltwater lake? This bog is just about the lowest lying point in the Howe of Alford and may well represent the final...
Ruins of Tonley House, Tough Bennachie in the distance and the lower slopes of Cairn William in the mid distance. One of the cran...

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