Rob Davidson
Rob is the great grandson of John Davidson, postmaster at Whitehouse in the early part of the 20th Century.
Whitehouse Post Office and Shop Standing in the doorway is George Garioch (husband of Lizzie Davidson).
Whitehouse Post Office and Shop L to R:
Sandy Shepherd, Bill Gordon, ?, ?, Nan Garioch, Jenny Ogston, Stewart Davidson (proprietor)...
Whitehouse Shop Delivery Van Frank Ogston and Stewart Davidson, with the van possibly parked up at the bottom of the track to Pit...
Whitehouse Post Office and Shop John Davidson is standing in the front row, fourth from right.
The Davidson family at Lilac Cottage Lilac Cottage, opposite the Whitehouse Store.
Whitehouse Post Office and Shop John Davidson (wearing the apron)with his eldest son, John, and eldest daughter, Maggie Ann.
Whitehouse Shop Delivery Cart Frank Ogston, Duncan Davidson and "Nicky" the horse.
The Davidson Family at Whitehouse L to R:
John Davidson, Elsie May, Maggie Ann, Ann (nee Williams), Bill, John. Photograph possibly t...