The Alford Image Library
No: 1190 Contributor: Jimmy McCombie Year: 1954
School Choir?Where was this photograph taken and who are these children? Is it a competition in Aberdeen?
Picture added on 11 March 2010 at 15:42
Taken again in Golden Square either after or before taking part in the Music Festival. Mrs. Isabella Cowe, my Mum, was music teacher at Alford. Jean Comfort and Patty Innes (2nd row from the back are in the picture, also Christine Duncan and Mary Shepherd. Certainly 1959 onwards.
Added by Margurita Esson (Cowe) on 08 November 2010
The girls I recognise in this photo are - Nicola Duguid extreme right back row, her sister Jennifer 4th from left third row from front, Irene Brown extreme left second row from front
? Stewart (the Vets daughter) 4th from left front row and Cynthia Stewart 2nd from right front row.
? Stewart (the Vets daughter) 4th from left front row and Cynthia Stewart 2nd from right front row.
Added by Bill Smith on 18 November 2010