The Alford Image Library
No: 1033 Contributor: Ron and Berice Lawson Year: 1900
Parade in Aberdeen?Unknown date and location, but that looks awfully like Union Street with the "Monkey House" in the distance on the LHS of the road. Notice the rather tall figure on horseback between the tramlines, obviously someone quite important? So who is it, what was the parade and is this Aberdeen?
Picture added on 16 April 2009
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Australian Emigrees and their Relatives from the Alford Area
Australian Emigrees and their Relatives from the Alford Area
Definitely not Aberdeen. As there are tramlines, choice is limited to Dundee, Glasgow or Edinburgh. Not knowing any of these places well enough I would not like to speculate on the location. It may even be a South of the border city !
Added by Mike Stephen on 26 July 2011
Knowing the original source and context of the originals from which I scanned this image, I would venture to suggest that it most certainly is not south of the border and is most likely to be Aberdeen (since all other photos in the same collection were clearly that).....but thanks for the opinion.
Added by Jim (Editor) on 26 July 2011
The buildings in the foreground are also unlike those on the east side of Union Bridge.