The Alford Image Library
No: 404 Contributor: Carol McIntyre Year: 1926
Combining oats near AuchnagattFarmer shown likely to be Adie, Davidson or Ferguson. Anyone know who?
Picture added on 25 August 2008
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New Deer Investigations
New Deer Investigations
The Toll House was demolished some years ago and replaced by a new build, it was as you say, across from Toll Croft
Added by Alan Harper on 15 September 2011
This might be Peter Beekie (1857-1928) of Crowniehillock, Auchnagatt
Added by Carol McIntyre on 13 October 2011
On another note I am looking for a photograph of what would have been the Haughton toll house which was I believe situated across from Toll Croft. Can you help please
Charlie Catto.